The Ripley County Retired Teachers Association (RCRTA), jointly with the Indiana Retired Teachers Association (IRTA), provides opportunities for retired teachers to continue their interest and involvement in the community.  Through volunteer work, retired teachers accumulate volunteer hours which are tallied, recorded and used by the Association for its Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA) negotiation with the state legislature.

The following are guidelines for these volunteer hours.  The hours cannot be for pay, nor can they include work for family members.  Travel time to any event or activity can be included.  Youth service hours should be recorded separately from adult service hours.

A. Youth Services & Education: tutoring, classroom volunteering, Scouts, 4-H, sport teams, church youth groups or classes, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, babysitting (other than family), etc.

B. Community Groups for Adults: Kiwanis, Lions, VFW, YMCA, YWCA, United Way, League of Women Voters, arts or craft festivals, public radio or TV, food pantries, parks and recreation departments, etc.

C. Health Care: hospitals or nursing homes, Red Cross, Cancer Society, March of Dimes, etc.

D. Services to Adults (other than family): shopping, transportation, calling, cleaning, reading, Meals On Wheels, Council on Aging, AARP, state or county retired teacher associations, driver training, Federation of Older Hoosiers, etc.

E. Church:  boards or commissions, adult Bible study or Sunday School, Good News Club, Young Life, mission work, fund drives, etc.

Volunteer hours should be forwarded to Sue Bunselmeier, Community Service Chair, no later than December 31. Sue’s address is 244 S. Sycamore Street; Osgood, IN 47037 (812-689-4195).

Click on Volunteer Hours form.

Volunteer Hours Form